
Fig Heaven cookbook

After buying a house with a large fig tree in the winter, my wife and I were astounded to see the size of the crop that appeared come the summer. So what do you do after you've begged all of your friends to come over and take bags of figs home, made fig-strawberry jam, eaten figs with cheese until you can't any more, and still have piles on the tree and higher piles on the ground? You run out and buy the Fig Heaven cookbook of course! With 70 excellent recipes, you will surely find many an excellent idea, from fig pinenut pasta to fig,green tomato, purple onion salad. Of course, you will still have enough figs so that your friends can take home all they want, but you will also fill your summer table with delectable dishes! 

- J A Magill, Amazon.com

This focused book provides clear, easy-to-follow recipes that really show off the wonderful flavor of figs. There's a variety of recipes - appetizers, salads, savory entrees, sweet desserts. Everything we've tried so far has been great! There is also an interesting introduction about the history, botany and cultivation of figs and a list of the many varieties. If, like me you love figs, I strongly recommend this book. We recently purchased a second copy for a friend who has a fig tree and never knew how to use all the fruit. Now she does! 

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