“The value of this brief and highly readable book, which will take its
place high on the centennial works about Charles Darwin, is the relaxed and
intimate familiarity of Ruse with his subject. Darwin's background, his
predecessors, the context of his life, and the significance of his
contributions over a vast intellectual domain, are provided as though by a
close friend or member of the family.”
University Research Professor Emeritus
Harvard University
Author of Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge and many other works
Ruse is a master science story-teller. In Defining Darwin, he
tackles fundamental issues in philosophy and history of evolutionary biology
with great originality and depth. Clarity of expression and vivid language make
the reading facile and, indeed, thoroughly enjoyable. Defining Darwin is an important addition to the
extensive Darwinian literature enriching the celebration of Darwin’s two
hundredth anniversary."
University Professor and Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Recipient of the US National Medal of Science in 2001
Author of Darwin’s Gift to Science and Religion and Human Evolution:
Trails from the Past
“In this volume, Michael Ruse has collected some of his best and most incisive
essays, done at the interface of history and philosophy. The chapters move from
considerations of Kant on evolution through animadversions on the architects of
the new synthesis to efforts at arbitrating a settlement in the warfare between
science and religion. Darwin stands as alpha and omega in these pieces. The
cumulative effect is like that of a plunge into a mountain stream—clear,
bracing, and powerful enough to sweep you away.”
Morris Fishbein Professor of the History of Science, University of Chicago
Author of The Tragic Sense of Life: Ernst Haeckel and
the Struggle over Evolutionary
Michael Ruse is one of the foremost Charles Darwin scholars of our time. For
forty years he has written extensively on Darwin, the scientific revolution
that his work precipitated, and the nature and implications of evolutionary
thinking for today. Now, in the year marking the two hundredth anniversary of
Darwin’s birth and the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of his masterpiece, On the Origin of Species, Ruse
reevaluates the legacy of Darwin in this collection of new and recent essays.
Beginning with pre-Darwinian concepts of organic
origins proposed by the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant, Ruse shows the
challenges that Darwin’s radically different idea faced. He then discusses
natural selection as a powerful metaphor; Alfred Russel Wallace, the
co-discoverer of the theory of evolution; Herbert Spencer’s contribution to
evolutionary biology; the synthesis of Mendelian genetics and natural
selection; the different views of Julian Huxley and George Gaylord Simpson on
evolutionary ethics; and the influence of Darwin’s ideas on literature. In the
final section, Ruse brings the discussion up to date with a consideration of
“evolutionary development” (dubbed “evo devo”) as a new evolutionary paradigm
and the effects of Darwin on religion, especially the debate surrounding
Intelligent Design theory.
Ruse offers a fresh perspective on topics old and new,
challenging the reader to think again about the nature and consequences of what
has been described as the biggest idea ever conceived.
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 271
ISBN: 978-1-59102-725-6
Shipping Weight: 2lbs
FL) is the Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy and director of the
History and Philosophy of Science program at Florida State University. He is
the founding editor of the journal Biology and Philosophy and the author or editor of The Stem Cell Controversy (with Christopher Pynes); Cloning: Responsible Science or
Technomadness? (with Aryne
Sheppard); Taking Darwin
Seriously; Philosophy of
Biology; and But Is It
Science? (with Robert
Pennock), among many other works.
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