
Professional iPhone Programming

CHA PTER 1 Introduction to iPhone Development with MonoTouch for
C# Developers. 1
CHA PTER 2 Introduction to MonoTouch . 11
CHA PTER 3 Planning Your App’s UI: Exploring the Screen Controls. 35
CHA PTER 4 Data Controls. 49
CHA PTER 5 Working with Data on the iPhone. 87
CHA PTER 6 Displaying Data Using Tables . 107
CHA PTER 7 Mapping. 141
CHA PTER 8 Application Settings . 173
CHA PTER 9 Programming with Device Hardware. 191
CHA PTER 10 Programming with Multimedia. 203
CHA PTER 11 Talking to Other Applications . 233
CHA PTER 12 Localizing for an International Audience. 259
CHA PTER 13 Programming the iPad. 277
CHA PTER 14 Just Enough Objective-C. 303
CHA PTER 15 The App Store: Submitting and Marketing Your App . 321

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