
Shadowrun 4E Copycat Killer rapideshare / mediafire links:

Listen up natch. The Mayan Cutter terrorized Seattle's metahumanity for three years and was taken down. But it seems his style of killings have resurfaced. Is the Mayan Cutter really dead, or has someone has taken up his mantle? Find out yourself when a Johnson wants his missing girl found.

The Convention Mission Pack adventure was released for Shadowrun Convention 2010 only, but has become available for the masses. This release is in PDF for Shadowrun 4E.

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Mathematics of Fuzziness … rapideshare / mediafire links :

Mathematics of Fuzziness – Basic Issues introduces a basic notion of ‘fuzziness’ and provides a conceptual mathematical framework to characterize 
such fuzzy phenomena in Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. The book systematically presents a self-contained introduction to the essentials of 
mathematics of fuzziness ranging from fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, fuzzy numbers, fuzzy algebra, fuzzy measures, fuzzy integrals, and fuzzy topology to 
fuzzy control in a strictly mathematical manner. It contains most of the authors’ research results in the field of fuzzy set theory and has evolved from the 
authors’ lecture notes to both undergraduate and graduate students over the last three decades. A lot of exercises in each chapter of the book are 
particularly suitable as a textbook for any undergraduate and graduate student in mathematics, computer science and engineering. 
The reading of the book will surely lay a solid foundation for further research on fuzzy set theory and its applications. 

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Life, on the Line rapideshare / mediafire links :

"One of America's great chefs" (Vogue) shares how his drive to cook immaculate food won him international renown-and fueled his miraculous triumph over 
tongue cancer.

In 2007, chef Grant Achatz seemingly had it made. He had been named one of the best new chefs in America by Food & Wine in 2002, received the 
James Beard Foundation Rising Star Chef of the Year Award in 2003, and in 2005 he and Nick Kokonas opened the conceptually radical restaurant Alinea, 
which was named Best Restaurant in America by Gourmet magazine. Then, positioned firmly in the world's culinary spotlight, Achatz was diagnosed with 
stage IV squamous cell carcinoma-tongue cancer.

The prognosis was grim, and doctors agreed the only course of action was to remove the cancerous tissue, which included his entire tongue. 
Desperate to preserve his quality of life, Grant undertook an alternative treatment of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation. But the choice came at a cost. 
Skin peeled from the inside of Grant's mouth and throat, he rapidly lost weight, and most alarmingly, he lost his sense of taste. Tapping into the discipline, 
passion, and focus of being a chef, Grant rarely missed a day of work. He trained his chefs to mimic his palate and learned how to cook with his 
other senses. As Kokonas was able to attest: The food was never better. Five months later, Grant was declared cancer-free, and just a few months 
following, he received the James Beard Foundation Outstanding Chef in America Award.

Life, on the Line tells the story of a culinary trailblazer's love affair with cooking, but it is also a book about survival, about nurturing creativity, and 
about profound friendship. Already much- anticipated by followers of progressive cuisine, Grant and Nick's gripping narrative is filled with stories from 
the world's most renowned kitchens-The French Laundry, Charlie Trotter's, el Bulli- and sure to expand the audience that made Alinea the 
number-one selling restaurant cookbook in America last year.

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Pro HTML5 Accessibility rapideshare / mediafire links:

Pro HTML5 Accessibility helps designers come to grips with building exciting, accessible and usable web sites and applications with HTML5. This book covers how to use HTML5 in order to serve the needs of people with disabilities and older persons using assistive technology (AT).
It aims to be a useful ΓÇÿgo-toΓÇÖ guide, providing practical advice. It takes several approaches, including a look at the new semantics of HTML5 and how to combine its use with authoring practices you know from using earlier versions of HTML. It also demonstrates how HTML5 content is currently supported (or not) by assistive technologies such as screen readers, and what this means practically for accessibility in your web projects.

The HTML5 specification is huge, with new APIs and patterns that can be difficult to understand. Accessibility can also seem complex and nuanced if you have no experience interacting with people with disabilities. This book walks you though the process of designing exciting user interfaces that can potentially be used by everyone, regardless of ability. Accessibility is really a quality design issue, and getting it right is often more a matter of approach than having sophisticated, cutting-edge tools at your disposal.

This book will be your companion in your journey to understand both HTML5 and accessibility, as the author has many years of experience as a designer and web developer working directly with people with all types of disabilities. He has been involved with the development of HTML5 from an accessibility perspective for many years, as a member of the W3C WAI Protocols and Formats working group (which is responsible for ensuring W3C specifications are serving the needs of people with disabilities) as well as the HTML5 Working Group itself.

Introduces the new HTML5 specification from an accessibility perspective
Shows how incorporating accessibility into your interfaces using HTML5 can have benefits for all users
Explains how HTML5 is currently supported by assistive technologies like screen readers, and how to work around these limitations when developing

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Luzerne rapideshare / mediafire links :

Never really considered a major blip in the newly-created Second Star Leagues’ plan, Luzerne—through simple chance—became listed in the history books as one of the longest and desperate campaigns during Operation BULLDOG. The former Combine system became the defining moment for Clan Smoke Jaguar on the eve of their demise. Battered and beaten, the Clan fought tooth and nail to hold on to Luzerne even as the remains of their Occupation Zone fell in tatters.
Historical Turning Points: Luzerne looks at the pivotal battle that defined the Second Star League’s Operation BULLDOG and spelled the end of the most vicious Clans occupying the Inner Sphere. Return to BattleTech’s recent past, when the Inner Sphere’s newly-united realms embarked on their own crusade to rid themselves of Clan Smoke Jaguar.
This campaign series uses the Chaos Campaign rules and gives players the option of fighting individual battles, following a campaign arc, or inserting it into their own campaigns. This PDF exclusive includes a detailed map of the planet of Luzerne, a rundown of the forces involved in the conflict, and several tracks that players can use to run simple lance-on-Star battles or recreate the entire gamut of Operations BIRDDOG and BULLDOG on Luzerne. Only the players’ imaginations are the limits.

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JavaScript and jQuery rapideshare / mediafire links:

javascript lets you supercharge your HTML with animation, interactivity, and visual effects—but many web designers find the language hard to learn. 
This jargon-free guide covers javascript basics and shows you how to save time and effort with the jQuery library of prewritten javascript code. 
You’ll soon be building web pages that feel and act like desktop programs, without having to do much programming.

The important stuff you need to know:
Make your pages interactive. Create javascript events that react to visitor actions.
Use animations and effects. Build drop-down navigation menus, pop-ups, automated slideshows, and more.
Improve your user interface. Learn how the pros make websites fun and easy to use.
Collect data with web forms. Create easy-to-use forms that ensure more accurate visitor responses.
Add a dash of Ajax. Enable your web pages to communicate with a web server without a page reload.
Practice with living examples. Get step-by-step tutorials for web projects you can build yourself. 

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What is Death rapideshare/mediafire links :

what is death?
A Scientist Looks at the Cycle of Life
Answering the question "What is death?" by focusing on the individual is blinkered. It restricts attention to a narrow zone around the individual body of a creature. Instead, how expansive is the answer we receive when we look at the context of death within the biosphere. Death now is tied to all of life, via the atmosphere and ocean. Death supports the awesome biological enterprise of making abundant the green and squiggly life. Talk about death has headed us straight into a contemplation of life, not only individual life, but big life, life on a global scale. Death and life are neatly dovetailed by the supreme cabinetmaker of evolution. Again, the crucial feature is not the death of any one creature per se, but rather what is done with death. To reach into the meaning of death, we must reach out into the wider context of which death is a part.

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The New Kitchen Science rapideshare/mediafire links :

The New Kitchen Science' by culinary journalist Howard Hillman is a new edition of a 20 year old book which uses the question and answer format common to a lot of cooking advice books. One small problem is that this format is not the best approach to presenting `science' in that science is a body of theories and explained phenomena the understanding of which facilitates applying knowledge to understanding new situations. So, if a book just answers questions, the ability to extend the answers to new situations may not be as good as other expository approaches. That said, I have to say that like Robert L. Wolke's `What Einstein told His Chef', this book may be more accessible to many readers than other conventional writers on the subject such as Harold McGee's works and `The Science of Cooking' by Bristol University (UK) don Peter Barham.

One thing a widely read foodie may want to consider is that they may have already seen most of the material in this book in the volumes cited above. This is not to say this book does not contain some new material, but a devoted reader of Shirley Corriher and Alton Brown may find this new material a bit sparse.

For the reader with little experience with food science reading, I caution you that there are some statements in this book, which are scientifically incorrect. This may be a small point, since the errors are not likely to interfere with your practical cooking, but they may interfere with your ability to extend your knowledge to new situations, which is the whole point of the scientific inquiry in the first place. The first error I noticed is the statement that when a water / alcohol mixture is boiled, the alcohol will all boil off, leaving just water. One of the first things a freshman chemistry student learns is that this is not true. It is true that more alcohol will evaporate than water, until the alcohol and water attain equilibrium. Admittedly, the alcohol will be reduced to a very small level, but it is still there. This is important if someone has physical or religious problems with any alcohol. The second error I noticed is the use of the term `dissolved' when referring to the mixing of flour with water. The proper term here is `suspension', not `solution'. In some ways, this is a more serious error, as suspensions behave much differently than solutions, and the two states are pervasive in cooking techniques, so it is important to know the differences in behavior between the two states.

After all that nit picking, I can still recommend this as a really worthwhile source of information whereby one can improve your cooking, especially for the reasonable paperback price. One especially valuable feature of this book is the excellent bibliography which gives references for all the authors and works mentioned above except for Alton Brown, and a whole lot more.

If you really need to have fun with your reading about food science, I recommend `The Cook Book Decoder or Culinary Alchemy Explained' by retired Canadian professor of Chemistry, Arthur E. Grosser. This book has the added virtue of being great to pass food knowledge on to kids.

The claim to `science' in this book's title is a bit tarnished, but if you are new to foodie science, this book will give you lots of useful information and tell you how to avoid a lot of kitchen pitfalls. 

- B. Marold, Amazon.com

This book is a cyclopedia of how stuff works in the kitchen. It is written in question-and-answer format, addressing numerous kitchen topic, like "Which is better, rock or sea salt?" and "What's wrong with farmed fishes?". The book is divided into chapters addressing cooking equipment, cooking methods, meats, seafood, dairy products, eggs, fruits and vegetables, sauces and thickeners, seasonings, oils and fats, baking, beverages, food storage, health and nutrition, and diets. It includes a list of references for further reading, and index. It is clearly not a cookbook, but there are a few recipes for basic home cooking scattered here and there for illustration of principles.

This book would make a handy kitchen reference. Want to know the different cooking and nutritional properties of various oils? Check the tables found in this book. Trying to choose some new cookware for your kitchen? Read this book, and you'll learn why professional chefs prefer stainless steel pots with copper bottoms for many kitchen tasks. A few topics are covered superficially, such as vegetarian diets, where the author notes that vegetarians can get all essential amino acids through combining different foods at meals, but he doesn't note that getting enough vitamin B12 while avoiding animal products requires extra effort. While most of the information is up-to-date, perhaps a few articles could do with some revisions, such as the entry on taste buds, in which Hillman describes the old theory on the zone distribution of taste buds, which recent research has put into question. 

- Erika Mitchell, Amazon.com

I really enjoyed this book! I found it practical, well organized, easy to access and understand, and engaging. Its format of Q&A makes it great to break into whatever blocks of time become available, and is a natural resource for the kitchen. Note: I almost burned some hors d'oeuvres because I got carried away with the section I was reading!

I basically carried it around with me for 2 weeks -- catching 10 mins on the bus, 4 mins on the subway platform, 10 mins in the bathroom, 20 mins while waiting for my roasted asparagus to brown (after washing my hands, of course). I took it to restaurants to fill in the time while dining solo. Repeatedly I was asked from strangers about the book, and their quick scans of the pages prompted many identical reactions: "This is so cool!"

My thoughts exactly. I just received the similar in genre "The Science of Food" during the recent holidays, so I have a basis for comparison. The two are both good resources to have, but meet different needs. With its smaller size, easy Q&A format, and tons of useful information, "The New Kitchen Science" is a handy, enjoyable resource that makes it fun to pick up many many many nuggets of useful information.

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Design and Analysis… rapideshare/mediafire links:

This book is intended to be used as a textbook for graduate students studying theoretical computer science. It can also be used as a reference book for 
researchers in the area of design and analysis of approximation algorithms. Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms is a graduate course in 
theoretical computer science taught widely in the universities, both in the United States and abroad. There are, however, very few textbooks available for 
this course. Among those available in the market, most books follow a problem-oriented format; that is, they collected many important combinatorial 
optimization problems and their approximation algorithms, and organized them based on the types, or applications, of problems, such as geometric-type 
problems, algebraic-type problems, etc. Such arrangement of materials is perhaps convenient for a researcher to look for the problems and algorithms 
related to his/her work, but is difficult for a student to capture the ideas underlying the various algorithms. In the new book proposed here, 
we follow a more structured, technique-oriented presentation. We organize approximation algorithms into different chapters, based on the design 
techniques for the algorithms, so that the reader can study approximation algorithms of the same nature together. It helps the reader to better understand 
the design and analysis techniques for approximation algorithms, and also helps the teacher to present the ideas and techniques of approximation 
algorithms in a more unified way.

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Convergent Evolution (c2011) rapideshare/mediafire links

Charles Darwin famously concluded On the Origin of Species with a vision of “endless forms most beautiful” continually evolving. More than 150 years later many evolutionary biologists see not endless forms but the same, or very similar, forms evolving repeatedly in many independent species lineages. A porpoise’s fishlike fins, for example, are not inherited from fish ancestors but are independently derived convergent traits. In this book, George McGhee describes the ubiquity of the phenomenon of convergent evolution and connects it directly to the concept of evolutionary constraint--the idea that the number of evolutionary pathways available to life are not endless, but quite limited.   

Convergent evolution occurs on all levels, from tiny organic molecules to entire ecosystems of species. McGhee demonstrates its ubiquity in animals, both herbivore and carnivore; in plants; in ecosystems; in molecules, including DNA, proteins, and enzymes; and even in minds, describing problem-solving behavior and group behavior as the products of convergence. For each species example, he provides an abbreviated list of the major nodes in its phylogenetic classification, allowing the reader to see the evolutionary relationship of a group of species that have independently evolved a similar trait by convergent evolution. McGhee analyzes the role of functional and developmental constraints in producing convergent evolution, and considers the scientific and philosophical implications of convergent evolution for the predictability of the evolutionary process.

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