
Integrative Nutrition

Every year, healthcare costs increase while overall health decreases. People continue to eat poorly, to gain weight, and to depend on medications and operations to maintain their health—all while attempting the latest fad diets promising miraculous results for their outward appearance.

It's time for a reality check: there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Stop judging your own health, weight, and way of eating and living, and strive to understand who you are as an eater—and WHY. Integrative Nutrition is loaded with valuable insights into your relationship with food, nutritional theories, and holistic approaches to maximizing health. Integrative Nutrition offers a play-by-play for proper nutrition and is packed with background research and delicious, easy-to-follow recipes.

More than two decades ago, Joshua Rosenthal created the Institute for Integrative Nutrition—a school at the forefront of the health and wellness movement— in New York City to teach people his effective, straightforward Integrative Nutrition® method for living a life of total health and satisfaction and for helping others achieve the same. Joshua is a trained therapist with a Masters in Science in education, and with over twenty-five years of work in the field of whole foods, personal coaching, curriculum development, teaching, and nutritional counseling. He has reinvented nutrition education, teaching in a style that is revolutionary in the field of adult learning.

- Product Description, barnesandnoble.com

My name is Jennifer, and I'm a sugar addict! And I never would've realized it if it weren't for this book. The chapter on cravings really opened my eyes to the ways I was eating and how it affects me and my life. After finishing it, I went to my fridge and pantry--and everything I found in there, even healthy stuff I purchased at Whole Foods and the local organic market, were loaded with sugar! I couldn't believe it! Yogurt with 32 grams of sugar! Cereal with 25 grams of sugar! It's no wonder I was so high-strung and never able to concentrate or even sit still for a short period of time. I always thought I just had a minor case of Attention Deficit Disorder, but it turns out, no, I was just on a continuous sugar high! So I decided to take control of my sugar intake. Now, I read the packages of everything I buy, and do my best not to purchase anything with more than 10 grams of sugar, 5 or less is my goal though.

This book will make you take a good look at yourself and the way you're eating. It has awesome exercises at the end of each chapter that will help you see your eating habits and how they affect you. One of the first few chapters had an exercise where you keep track of what you eat for a couple weeks and make note of how hungry you were after you were finished eating and how hungry you were 2 hours later and it turns out, chicken is one of the only things that keeps me full for long periods of time. I was amazed!

Joshua Rosenthal's book Integrative Nutrition is the greatest present you could give yourself. It's the best present you can give anyone (I already gave a copy to my mom for her birthday!). If we all just stepped into our lives and the lives of those we care about and helped each other move in the healthy direction, then this country may have some hope after all. 

- Jennifer Blanchard, Amazon.com

This book will clarify the mystery of what you should eat to feel and look great. This is the only book I have read on nutrition that explains cravings. Why do 'diets' fail? Because you have cravings! Joshua Rosenthal teaches you how to eat and live in a way that will significantly reduce your cravings. You will learn how to eat delicious, natural foods that nourish your body and soul. I learned from this book that being healthy goes far beyond the food on your plate - lifestyle plays a crucial role in being healthy. Buy this book if you want to really understand nutrition. 

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